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Building Department

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Building Department

(810) 793-2002 ext. #13

Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Building Department Clerk - Emma Vanaman

Zoning Administrator, Building Official - Joe Israel

Mechanical & Plumbing Official - Joe Israel

Electrical Official - Joe LaFever

Marathon Township is fortunate to be able to run its own, in-house, Building Department.

All building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical permits within Marathon Township and Columbiaville, as well as new addresses, are issued at the Township Hall.

The Building Department has been designed to be as User-Friendly as possible, and the Township is committed to providing the best and most professional service possible to home owners and contractors.

Call the Township Hall at (810) 793-2002 during office hours, 9-4, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, to make arrangements for inspections or request information. Please provide 24-hour notice for an inspection.

All inspectors can also be available by appointment.  If you have a question, concern, or problem, you can expect a qualified, professional response in a timely manner.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact Marathon Township at (810)793-2002.  All Building Department personnel are in contact with the town- ship offices on a daily basis, even when not in the office.  If your call needs immediate attention, township personnel will relay your message immediately.

Building and Permit Applications